Practice Development Plan


In recognition of Dr Gallows' letter of 21st June the practices of Dr Andrews, Bhatt, Bulger and Side plan to join together for Clinical Governance as one PMS Pilot, DASH. Failing that application all responsibilities revert to the individual practitioners and to the PCG/T.


Archway Surgery


Dacorum Alliance of Single-handers

Staff involved Group

All principals in alliance.

Administrator PMS (TBA)

PCT/Salaried G.P. (TBA)

Staff Involved Surgery

Dr Gerard Bulger

Pippa Washbourne SRN Practice Nurse

Sue Kinchin, claims manager

National Himps

Reduction of smoking. This may increase prescribing further.
Reduction of Death Rate due to IHD, increasing lipid lowering prescribing.
Cancer: despite poor evidence pressure is on for further screening including PSA.
Accidents (in primary care this can focus on alcohol)
Drug Dependency. This is part of our PMS application.
Work on National Framework for CHD underway.

Local Himps

  • Indentify carers

Practice Priorities

Isolated Elderly

Drug/alcohol dependency

Working with other small practices

Practice Profile

2487 patients
Hours: Doctor 168 a week
Nurse: 32 hours a week
Fully equipped including defibrillator and Ultrasound machine, minor operation room.
Fully computerised, including internet kiosk (café) for patient access to information. Main clinical server may need upgrading next year, and two remaining dumb terminals retired.

Group Profile

9800 patients

Local Needs

Data Input Clerks/system to demonstrate to PCG/T that NSF/Himps targets in place.

Isolated Elderly care.

Leads on Clinical Governance Issues

PMS Administrator, data management and audit

PMS Salaried Contractor. This doctor, probably employed by the PCT would give an independent view within the group, and be able to chair our meetings and liase on audit issues.

The PMS team would meet Quarterly for risk management and critical incident reporting.

IT lead : Dr Gerard Bulger


Current Practice Policy

Individual practices which need to join together as one PMS pilot "partnership" on clinical Governance Issues.

Current issues

Manpower spread too thinly. The current ease of access by patients to our practices means that morning appointments role into current PCG time meeting schedules. In order to be available for clinical governance issues we need the manpower and funding in order to bring the list size down to that of the national average, and bring our income up to expected NHS standards or better.

Professional Development needs

Group working.
Updates in best clinical practice through PGEA.
Last year ENT and Ultrasound, next year Child Care and gyneacology.

Practice Staff

RCN Nurse Training scheme towards recognition of
Nurse Practitioner Status
Training of Receptionist



Other Staff

More Confident District Nursing Team, picking up some practice nurse skills

How Achieved

Successful PMS application.

Audit Plans

PMS Pilot is to enable audit and central data collection by way of a central administration for the group, data input clerk and the appointment of the salaried post whose remit is audit for the group.