Archway Surgery.       Archway Development & Consulting Ltd






Archway Development &   Consulting Ltd
54 High Street
Herts HP3 0HJ
Tel 01442 817217
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Company No 3326461
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See all G.P. practices results in detail, including Archway Surgery on

 ARCHWAY Surgery   1993-2007 Archive

Quality and Outcomes Framework 
QMAS DATA and Report
QMAS DATA and Report

Archway Surgery used the same Quality and Outcomes framework system that applies to the new General Medical Services Contract.  In year ending 31st march  2007 we scored 99.94% of points available.
Back to Index   April 26, 2007


  Archway Surgery HP3 0HJ
Total Achieved  (Points):   995.40

 Table of Results:

Max possible Achieved
Clinical 655 650.40
Organisation 181 181.00
Additional Services 36 36.00
Patient Experience 108 108.00
980 975.40
Holistic Care                    20 20.00
1,000 995.40

We lost three points because of a quirk in the system that required a group of patients to fail to attend for us to chase up.  Our patients attended on time so we could not get points for recalling them, as we had none to recall.

Back to Index

There are clinical and administrative domains. Most of the clinical domains are gleaned off the computer system.

Reports, with no patient details, are automatically sent to the a National Service called QMAS. A huge national disease register is being created with this data. This massive project is thanks to the ability of the current small G.P. software houses to create programmes that produced the data in standard format to put on the new central servers. QMAS is the most successful part of Connecting for Health, as it uses what CfH called legacy systems.  The programme depended on those small clinical system suppliers which Connecting for Health, the national IT programme once planned planned to abolish.

The Primary Care Trusts come round to surgeries and inspects each practice, and goes through the clinical and administrative domains before the end of the year. G.P.s earn points, up to 1050 in 2006. There was a glitch in the definitions such that it is impossible to earn 1050 as Dacorum reduced the points available to 1048 in 2005.

We did not aim for all the points since some of the points depend on hospital reports, and some of the scores are of dubious clinical benefit. Working towards them could have detracted us from other clinical areas, not measured in this scheme.

ALL GP results are here  :


Click for Archway Surgery Year Ending March 06 and 05



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